Rudoulf Doetsch Violin --7/8 - 4/4 size

Rudoulf Doetsch Violin --7/8 - 4/4 size


Does not include case or bow.

Part of Eastman Strings Professional series, this exceptional German tonewood instrument is one of the world’s most popular instrument in its class. With a deep resonant sound that responds with fluid harmonics and perfect balance across the strings, this instrument performs for auditions, advanced study and professional performance. Multi-layered spirit varnish expresses old-world antique charm to match the old-world wood and craft behind it.

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Exceptionally Set Up

  • Finished in multi-layer spirit varnish, antiqued

  • Ebony fittings: pegs, fingerboard, chinrest, nut and saddle

  • Wittner Tailpiece with integrated tuners

  • All European tonewood

  • Set up with Dominant or Evah strings

  • Despiau or Aubert French Bridges

  • 4/4 - 1/8 (7/8 included)

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