The Waltz Book, Bill Matthiesen

The Waltz Book, Bill Matthiesen


Many musicians have praised the wonderful tune selection ("finally -- a music book where I enjoy almost every single tune!"), the clear notation, a layout that makes it easy for several musicians to read off the same book, chord symbols for backup musicians, and the heavy-duty spiral binding. Beginning and closet musicians have found the tunes inspiring, slower and easier than jigs or reels, and very rewarding for the time and effort invested.

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REVIEW from Fiddler Magazine (Fall, 1996, Vol 3, #3) by Mary Larsen

The Waltz Book and The Waltz Book II are a couple of must-haves for the waltz lover. Book One (The Waltz Book) contains 52 waltzes, some traditional, and some from great fiddlers and composers such as Jay Ungar, Jerry Holland, Bob McQuillen, and Pete Sutherland. Many favorites are included: Midnight on the Water ... My Own Home ... Sheebeg & Sheemore ... Tombigbee Waltz ... Westphalia ... McQuillen's Amelia, and Ungar's Ashokan Farewell. Book One also includes a good article called Thoughts on Harmony by David Kaynor, and a very helpful section called Notes on Piano Accompaniment for Waltzes by Bill Matthiesen. Book II contains 74 waltzes, mostly less common than those in the first book, with a combination of modern and traditional tunes. This book contains several tunes that are more challenging, in their notes or their chords, but also contains plenty that will be accessible to even the beginning fiddler. Some of the composers represented in this volume include Kenny Baker, O'Carolan, Bob McQuillen, Jay Ungar, Johnny Cunningham, James Scott Skinner, Pete Sutherland, George Wilson, Molly Mason, and Varise Connor.

No matter what your favorite styles are, you'll find plenty in these books to keep you amused for a long time. Styles include old-time, Scottish, Irish, Cajun, Scandinavian, New England, French, and more. What they have in common is 3/4 time and the fact that they're worth playing and dancing to.

Another great thing about these books are the quotes from many of the tunesmiths on how the tunes were written, as well as their addresses, in case you want to tell them how much you enjoy a particular piece. In many cases, discography information is also included. Chords are given for all tunes in both books. If you enjoy waltzes, you'll be in waltz heaven with these books!

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Vivaldi Sonata A Minor for Cello & Piano Accomp.. with CD

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Lindsey Stirling for Violin


Compatible Christmas Duets for Strings- Violin - Doris Gazda and Larry Clark

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Fiddler's Fakebook, arr. David Brody
