Yamaha Electric Violin 5-String YEV105

Yamaha Electric Violin 5-String YEV105


Order Yamaha YEV105 5-String Electric Violin - Elevate Your Sound!

Inspired by craft and design elements of Yamaha acoustic guitars, Yamaha set out to design a new kind of electric violin made primarily from wooden materials. This instrument takes a design cue from both violin and acoustic guitar shapes, creating a beautiful yet amazingly lightweight instrument made with six different woods. These wood materials are carefully crafted with an airy infinity loop-like design, representing the dimensions of acoustic space, and is as stunning visually as it is fun to play. Using a unique Yamaha bridge pickup that carries over from professional Yamaha Silent Violins, this instrument delivers a smooth, organic and warm tone. The design incorporates a simple ¼” input to match the clean and natural aesthetic of this innovative electric violin.

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