Ruby Cello Series - Maple Leaf Strings

Ruby Cello Series - Maple Leaf Strings
• Parisian Eye fittings, with Wittner single fine tuner, Aubert 14 bridge, and 21.5" Carbon Fiber Rod Endpin with a Composite Plug
• D'Addario Helicore strings
• Professional quality hand-applied spirit and oil mixed varnish, shaded with a defined edge color pattern and light antiquing
• Fully hand-carved highly figured Grade AA seasoned spruce top and flamed curly maple back that have been dried for 4-5 years
• Advanced graduation pattern
Antonio Stradivarius
Named “forma buono” or “the good model” by Stradivarius himself, this cello form has served as the most replicated and popular cello since its creation in 1710.
1/4 – 4/4 (7/8)
Domenico Montagnana
A wider area between the C-bouts gives the Montagnana pattern cellos a broad and deep resonance with a bold yet tempered bass register.
Decorated Giovanni Maggini
Embracing the ornately stylized instruments of Giovanni Paolo Maggini from the early 1600’s, the Decorated Maggini pattern features double purfling complimented by an intricately carved design into the back plate.