Core Select CS2000 Cannon Violin

Core Select CS2000 Cannon Violin
Soloists worldwide know the original Guarneri del Gesu violins as among the finest creations ever produced, with only Stradivari violins regarded as equals. Niccolo Paganini's "Il Cannone" Guarneri of 1743 was a legendary extension of his technical wizardry. The Core Select "Cannon" model is inspired by the robust, spontaneous workmanship of the original and now available for any player to enjoy. Adjusted with Larsen Virtuoso strings.
Body length - 353 mm; Upper Bout - 166 mm; Lower Bout - 206 mm.
Cannon CS2000 Specifications
Ebony Parisian eye pegs and endbutton.
Ebony tailpiece.
Despiau "B" level bridge.
Guarneri model ebony chinrest.
European Spruce Top