Used Sligo Luchair 34 String Harp (Created By Rick Kemper - SOLD)

Used Sligo Luchair 34 String Harp (Created By Rick Kemper - SOLD)


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Sligo Luchair 34:  A creation of Rick Kemper of Silver Spring Maryland, the Sligo harp line is a frequently requested harp in our neck of hte woods.  The Luchair is on the smaller side, but plays with elegance and grace, producing a voice that is as expressive as it is harmonially balanced. Hand made from gorgeous Cherry tonewoods, the Sligo's represent the highest quality of light-tensioned harps made in America today. The 34 fluorocarbon strings play with quick and easy response but the light weight design is streamlined for easy portability.  The harp has been perfectly cared for and is in perfect condition...regulated in 2024.  The harp is fully levered with Camac levers and the staved back makes playing very comfortable!  This harp comes outfitted with a built-in pick up system.  New these harps run $5300 plus the pick up.  Our owner wants only$4400, pick up included.

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