Used Rudoulf Doetsch Full-Size Violin - C170

Used Rudoulf Doetsch Full-Size Violin - C170

from $1,150.00

Note: It takes approximately 7 to 14 working days to ship consignment products depending on the type, location, and shipping considerations.

This is a used Rudoulf Doetsch made by Eastman Strings in the mid-2000's. This instrument needs a fair amount of work but would be a good investment for an advancing student.

This instrument requires a new bridge, a fingerboard dressing, glue added to the fingerboard joint, a new nut and the sound post repositioned into the correct spot.

This instrument comes with an Eastman case and a cadenza carbon fiber bow.

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Bridge: Needs Replaced

Soundpost: Needs Repositioned

Neck: Good Condition

Fingerboard: Needs Glue Added/Full Dressing

Scroll: Good Condition

Instrument Body: Good Condition

Varnish: Several Scratches and Wear Spots

Edge/Corners: Good Condition

Set Up: Good Condition

Seams: Good Condition

Bow: Good Condition

Case: Fair Condition

Price As Is: $1150

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