Vermont Violins Is Proud To Partner With Middlebury Community Music Center

Vermont Violins is proud to serve the Middlebury Community Music Center. We have been a staple in the community for over ten years, making frequent trips down to the area serving both professional musicians and students. 

Middlebury Community Music Center

At MCMC we create music, inspire each other, and feel vibrancy in our lives. We encourage performance to give students the experience, pride, and satisfaction that comes with contributing to the greater community. We celebrate creative problem solving, resilience, inner confidence, presentation skills, a growth mindset, humor, friendships, the ability to work in a group, community service, discipline, and heartfelt expression.


  1. MCMC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization

  2. MCMC offers year-round music lessons in 24 instruments & voice, classes, camps, and workshops for all ages

  3. MCMC partners with local childcare centers and school programs to provide enriching music education experiences

  4. MCMC seeks to enable students of all financial means to begin or further their music education with our donor-funded scholarship program

  5. MCMC celebrates the diversity of musical genre

  6. MCMC hosts frequent performances (now virtually!) to celebrate our students and honor their progress

All Middlebury Community Music Center Students get additional benefits when they rent an instrument for the first time from Vermont Violins. Any Prelude level instrument rental will get a one-month free rental (Applies to the initial term). All Concert & Premier level rentals will get 2 months of a free rental (Minimum Term duration - 6 months & 12 months)

Vermont Violins Will Be Present Locally At The Middlebury Community Music Center At The Below Mentioned Appointment Date & Time