Bow Rehair
When do I need to rehair my bow and why?
In general, we recommend a bow rehair every six months to a year, ideally at the beginning of the winter and summer. Rehairing maintains the physical condition of the bow and enhances playability. Bowhair is extremely responsive to humidity conditions. In fact, historically, bow hair was used on ships to monitor changes in the air’s relative humidity. The hair stretches in warm, moist weather and contracts in cold, dry weather. When we rehair a bow, it is difficult to find a length of hair that works for both extremes in our climate – we can have 80% relative humidity in the summer and 10% relative humidity in the winter. The hair can shrink as much as an inch going from summer to winter. For some bows, in particular “soft” bows, the sticks flex more when the hair length changes between seasons.
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Practice Tips For Violin Students
7 Tips to Get Your Child to Practice
You’ve just picked up your child’s new instrument, everyone is smiling, your child promises to practice, everything is great! Two weeks later, the instrument is collecting dust, and the word practice brings tears and tantrums. What went wrong???
Keep it simple & small:
Take 1-2 measures, or a line, and have them play it carefully 5 times. Reward, then move on to another small piece and repeat.
Routine – same time and place each…
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Audition Tips For Musicians
Kathy's Audition Tips
Many events and organizations require auditions for would-be attenders. Our local orchestras, All-State and All-New Englands require auditions as do many summer camps…and of course music colleges and advanced programs for our high school seniors. Some teachers ask for auditions to admit students into their studios.
Auditions can be scary! But there are a lot of things you can do to prepare yourself for the best experience. You can learn a lot about yourself and your playing by performing an audition. It can and should be a good experience.
Remember: not all auditions are “screeners”. There is no failing these auditions: your seat in an orchestra, for example, might be allocated according to the audition (not whether you get a seat) and it is an opportunity for the Music Director to get a sense of your capacities as he makes musical decisions about repertoire and seating. You want to get an appropriate seat: being placed beyond your capacities, or below, can be a bummer.
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Importance Of Sound Post
Why does the sound post matter?
If you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes.
That can work if you’re hiking, but when you have three concerts on the weekend, the constant changes in temperature and humidity can drive you, and your instrument, crazy! Is it time to “adjust” the sound post?
The sound post plays an important role transferring the vibrations from the top plate to the back plate. The sound post is fit to both the back and top plates, and is precisely placed in a position relative to the bridge and the bass bar. Because the top plates and back plates are curved, the sound post will fit properly, with all points touching, in only a small area. To get the optimal sound, the sound post will have to fit properly, and be the proper length so the post puts enough pressure on the top and back plates to stay upright and support the softer spruce top.
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How To Measure Your Child For A Violin Or Viola
Violins come in LOTS of sizes for children... our staff is always available to help determine which size instrument makes sense for your child. Schools and Suzuki programs, however, frequently size differently. Below are two general options. It is important to check in with your teacher to find out their specific preferences. The shop will defer to the teacher’s preferences.
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What Is Better? Rent / Purchase A Violin
Should You Rent Vs Purchase Your Violin?
Should You Rent Or Purchase Your Violin? Whether you choose to rent or to purchase a violin, viola, cello or bass for your student, our program provides the flexibility you need to support your student’s playing.
When to rent:
You are not sure how long the student will play. A good idea for students (all ages) who have never played before or who took a long break from playing. Reasons students quit vary widely, but include: pain (often previous injuries particularly in the neck, hands, or back), lack of...
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