Why Should You Choose A Carbon Fiber Bow?


Durability: Virtually unbreakable, not susceptible to warping, not fragile, and requires less care and maintenance

Price: Cost-efficient and environment friendly

Performance: Hyper responsive and dynamic with different tone quality.

What is the Bow Accelerated Ownership Plan?

24 Months = Ownership


Harmonizing Sustainability - Bow Revolution in Instrument Making

Introducing Sustainable Bow Options: Rodney Mohr's Bamboo Bow Revolution

In the dynamic world of instrument making, the utilization of sustainable woods has become a cornerstone for both seasoned craftsmen and emerging talents. Rodney Mohr, a visionary in bamboo bow making, takes a groundbreaking leap towards sustainability, revolutionizing the industry and contributing to a more eco-conscious music landscape.

Sustainable woods offer a dependable and consistent supply of top-tier materials for instrument crafting. This reliability not only ensures the availability of high-quality resources but also fosters creativity and innovation among young luthiers, who can experiment with a diverse array of sustainable wood options.

The incorporation of sustainable woods aligns seamlessly with the values of environmentally conscious consumers, presenting an opportunity for craftsmen to capture a larger market share. Craftsmen embracing these practices, like Rodney Mohr, not only create exceptional instruments but also build a reputation as environmentally responsible artisans.

Beyond ethical considerations, sustainable woods often boast desirable tonal characteristics, allowing luthiers to produce instruments with unique and pleasing tones. This not only enhances the performance experience for musicians but also helps young luthiers stand out in a competitive market.

Choosing sustainable practices goes beyond individual gain—it contributes to the broader movement of environmental stewardship. Young luthiers and players embracing sustainability inspire others in the industry to adopt eco-friendly practices, fostering a more resilient and sustainable music community.

Rodney Mohr's bamboo bow introduces a new dimension to sustainable bow making. Bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource, aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainability. Mohr's innovative approach not only meets the demand for eco-friendly options but also sets a new standard in the industry.

By opting for Rodney Mohr's bamboo bow, musicians not only enjoy a superior playing experience but actively participate in building a brighter future for instrument-making. The combined efforts of craftsmen, like Mohr, and environmentally conscious musicians ensure the longevity and sustainability of the music industry, creating harmony between artistry and the planet we call home.

NuBow – Bamboo Violin Bow Designed & Created by Master Bowmaker Rodney Mohr NuBow – Bamboo Violin Bow Designed & Created by Master Bowmaker Rodney Mohr
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NuBow – Bamboo Violin Bow Designed & Created by Master Bowmaker Rodney Mohr